Thursday, June 20, 2013

Week #2

This is the data for week #2

June 8 - Woke up around 7:30am, did some quick reading. Packed things up, enjoyed breakfast with Karen and Russ, who were both heading up to Whistler for the week-end. Biked over to Stawamus Chief Provincial Park - stashed my bike and gear in the woods. Hiked up to Peak #1 of the Chief - Amazing view. Hiked down, and walked over to Shannon Falls.
Returned to hidden bike - continued riding back to Mike's in North Vancouver. Took a quick shower, and was picked up by Mike's friend Geoff, and headed out to Julian's for his birthday BBQ.

June 9 - Woke up, and hung out in front of Mike's house enjoying the sunny morning. Headed out for a late breakfast with Saulius, Julian and his wife, Mike and Morna. Hung out some more at Mike's,buteventually rode out to MEC Bikefest in North Vancouver. Took the Iron Workers Memorial bridge into Vancouver, travelling from east to west on Hastings. Popped in to the Robert Lee YMCA for some steam room jacuzzi stretches/refreshment, then back to Mike's for the night.

June 10 - Rode out for some early morning Yoga at the Robert Lee YMCA, then went to DIY bike shop "Our Community Bikes". Purchased a bike helmet, and some extra brake pads. Cycled the perimeter of Stanley Park, hung out at Third Beach, then rode the Seaside Bicyle Route. Returned to the YMCA, picked up my things, then headed back to Mike's.

June 11 - Rainy catch up planning research day.

June 12 - More work at the computer, but eventually headed out for some stretches at the Robert Lee YMCA. Returned back to Mike's to pack for my Vancouver Island expedition.

June 13 - Mike and Morna left early to catcha flight to Toronto, while I headed out to catch an early ferry from Horseshoe Bay to Nanaimo. Just made it. Spent ride talking to a journalist from Ontario. Started ride to Port Alberni, where I would spend the night with Couchsurfing hosts Chris and Nathan. Took several breaks in Parksville, and enjoyed the magic of lowtide. Continued towards Qualicum Beach, then made my way to Alberni. The ride up the hump was long and tough. Enjoyed dinner, wine, and great conversation with Chris and Nathan.

June 14 - Woke up early, took a shower, then enjoyed breakfast with my hosts. Just made it to the docks and caught the ferry from Port Alberni to Ucluelet. Overcast and cloudy formost of the ride. Enjoyed talking to the various passengers, most of whom were returning to Alberni on the same day. Watched S3E9 of Game of Thrones. Yikes!!!! Arrived in Ucluelet around 1:30pm, and headed out for a chilly ride to Tofino. Picked up crazy expensive supplies from town, then pitched my tent outside of town.

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