Thursday, June 20, 2013

Pretty close to 1000Km cycled

At the time of this posting, I am about a couple KM's shy of reaching the 1000 mark.

Throughout my trek, whenever I am riding my bike, I turn on my Garmin etrex Legend HCX GPS. It is logging my travel information (via tracks), guiding me to where I have to go, and keeping stats for my trek.

I only use it when I am cycling. In times where I have been hiking/walking, I've used the Google Maps app on my phone.

My stats thusfar are:

998 Km total distance
Max Speed - 65.9Km per hour
Moving Time: 57hrs 24 min

1000Km in three weeks might not seem that much (I've previously pulled off 240Km in a single day riding from Picton to Toronto), but keep in mind that all of this has been done while in BC, quite often in mountainous conditions.

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